CNAS-grade QA

Innovate with our proven concept development approach

More than just manufacturing, we are the full solution.

Electronic manufacturing service provider, we deliver a full solution in design services.

  • Integrated Design Services

    More than just manufacturing, we are the full solution.

    Specifications definition
    Routing & Circuitry analysis
    Design for Manufacturing
    Design for Procurement
    Design for Test
    Design for Assembly
    Interface with external lab for qualifying projects (UL, IP67 or else)

  • Creative ID

    As part of our product concept development, we host ideation sessions to figure out fessibility and product requirements, we discuss new product concepts, business models and technologies.

  • Sketch Design

    With early design sketches for users experience, appearance and usability-product looks as good as it runs.

Focus on conceptual analysis and system feasibility studies, define product features and functions through co-created design concepts.

  • Modeling Review

    Modeling checks for product viability and potential pitfalls —— saving the time and money of testing it in the real,any high-risk components or parts befor the product even exists.

  • Technology Development

    Expertise in new technologies, save some heavy lifting on R&D we research, source and invest in the newest technologies, ensure we can stay a step ahead of competition. Cross-industry technologies combine foundational technologies, we can apply to products and solutions within various industries.